Friday, October 19, 2012

Here's To The Weekend

Happy Friday Dolls! What are your plans for the weekend? I know most of us in the cowboy world don’t get ‘weekends’ per say, but for some reason I can’t help but think of the weekend as free time…even if it's not gonna happen!

Adrian and Boone (that’s my future brother-in-law in case you missed out, catch up here), returned late last night and we’re having entirely too much fun all talking at once and have so far gone through 4 pots of coffee. I plan to hopefully catch up on an incredible amount of schoolwork this weekend and eat most of the green chiles that Adrian and Boone brought back from New Mexico. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and spend it with someone you love! Here are some fun things I’ve been looking at around the web…

A delightfully, sickeningly sweet wedding video.

A meat pie receipe. I haven’t tried it yet, but an Australian Buckaroo Barbie turned me on to this website, and I'm gonna give it a shot! Thanks Brittany Flinn! 

Hysterical JIF that cracks me up…watch her eyes!

This is a pair of pants I just bought for my fall wardrobe…what are your opinions on cords? Personally, they take me back to being 12 and my favorite green pair that made such a fun sound when I walked. They had an AWESOME tartan pair that were just so out there that I really think I'm going to have to go back and get them for Christmas....that's my wacky, Scottish side coming out in me. :) 

xo xo Liz 


  1. Running errands and exploring new hiking trails is our all-encompassing to-do list for the weekend.

    Corduroy pants are the best thing since sliced bread (no, really.) I just bought a pair and wore them to a job interview... got the job. I think that says it all right there :)

    Have fun with the coffee, family and green chiles. That's a recipe for pure happiness right there!

  2. Oh, exploring and hiking is the BEST when you've got masses of free time, lucky you! HAHAHAH YES!! That's awesome you got the job in corduroys!!! I love it! <3
