Friday, November 30, 2012

My Kind of Beautiful

Today I had the privilege to listen to my sister sing and play with some other musicians at a local school here in Monterey, CA. In the middle of a song, my baby sister stopped playing and asked the listening children, "Do you know what I mean by, 'my kind of beautiful'?" When no one answered my wise girl went on to explain how everyone is unique and different. That we all have things about ourselves that may not be popular or "cool"to the rest of the world, but they are "my kind of beautiful". It's what makes us, "us". That just because the rest of world doesn't buy into our kind of beautiful doesn't mean we shouldn't embrace our dreams whole heartedly...BE YOUR KIND OF BEAUTIFUL and don't apologize for it!

Sitting there in the little classroom I was overcome at how RIGHT she was.

We all of us have a different story and each of us has things that make us uniquely "ME". These quirks and differences should be embraced! Make what makes you different, your strength instead of thinking of it as a weakness.

Some of the most talented, greatest people down through history were taunted and made fun of the things that ultimately made them so great, the things they are known for now. What if they had repressed their kind of beautiful?? What if they had gone with the flow and settled for ordinary and didn't have the strength of character to listen to their heart and swim against the tide? The world would have a whole lot less music, art, films, books, nurses and philosophers in it, that's for sure!

Don't stifle your own kind of beautiful, and be unapologetically YOU. Be thankful for what makes you different and use it to your advantage.

xo xo Liz 


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