Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Dear Buckaroo Barbie

Dear Buckaroo Barbie,

You are capable. The sky is the limit. Dream.

What would you try if you knew you couldn’t fail? Would you pull out that half-secret desire that you don’t even acknowledge to yourself, blow off the dust and let your hopes and dreams face the light?

Of course you would! You are capable of great things, anything you set your mind to, you can achieve (Unless it’s growing a mustache…in which case it probably won’t work).

Think big, dream big…work harder. All that stands between you, your dreams and future success is the decision to win…and the hard work that turns your strength of will and dreams into a reality.

You will have to sacrifice some things you thought were important. You will have to be painfully honest with yourself. You will have to be able to accept constructive criticism from someone wiser than you without making excuses for your behavior.

It’s all worth it though when you realize all the work has paid off and you’ve reached your goals and are staring your dreams in the face.

You are capable. The sky IS the limit. Dream.

xo xo Liz


  1. Thank you! I so needed this today... I was just reading the course descriptions for the classes I have to take to get my degree (Civil Engineering); Chemistry, Mechanics of Solids and Fluids, Electricity and Magnetism, and Heat, Waves, Light and Modern Physics. Overwhelming! The next 5+ years of my not-so-young life!

  2. HOLY COW!! You are incredibly brilliant and I don't blame you for feeling overwhelmed!! But, I know you can totally do it! Blast on through those classes and show 'em who's boss! ;)
