Sunday, January 5, 2014

My Sunday Afternoon Delights

The light streaming through my bedroom window is that pretty color that only happens around 3pm. The house is empty and I’m wrestling demons and words and old memories, shaking hands wrapped around a now cold mug of coffee. My little sister’s Christmas gift to me has made me think about things that I have not wanted to think about for a very long time. I miss my cowboy days, even though I am 100% sure that I am on the right road in life now. Turquoise and silver glints from my knuckles as my fingers fly across the keyboard of this computer. Turns out I’m a good typist, and when I am practiced up I can type at least 83 wpm. It’s just like playing the piano, except with less melody.

 I turn Ian Tyson on, whether to ease the pain and ache in my heart or to make myself feel worse, I’m not sure. I think of all the different things that make me ME, and smile.

This will help.

I sweep the clutter off my desk and onto the floor and carefully assemble my favorite things into a little cluster. The pictures don’t do them justice, not like the girls I follow on Instagram who have perfected the art of capturing a “flat lay.” I am not perfect and neither is my life. It’s easy to hide behind a smile and filters in today’s digital world…what you don’t see is the grittiness of struggle, except the parts I share with you. You don’t see the occasional cigarette smoke that drifts above my head, or the early mornings spent in the Word. This is a little collection of all my favorite things…I hope you enjoy. What would make up your flat-lay collection??? 

xo xo Elizabeth