Monday, October 15, 2012

She Is...You

She is soft and eager to learn. She is human. She is with faults. She has an indomitable will. She is inspired by the greatness of other men and women, not discouraged by their successes. She is full of encouragement for those around her. She is full of joy: not because her life is perfect and she is necessarily happy, but because she has made a decision to have joy in her life. She knows that a smile, confidence and a pastime does a great deal to making a girl pretty. She works hard. She seeks beauty. She learns something new frequently. She knows that being able to say “I’m sorry” is a trait that cannot be overlooked. She is sometimes sad. And she is sometimes angry. And sometimes she screws up in a major way. She will pick herself up and try again the next day though. She is you and me. She is Buckaroo Barbie.

May you be inspired to “keep on, keeping on”, to seek creativity and beauty in your everyday life and to smile your beautiful smile. Happy Monday!

xo xo Liz


  1. I don't know how you do it, but almost each of your posts speaks to the day I'm living and person I'm working to be (a self-aware one...)

    Happy Tuesday and thanks again. Beautiful thoughts and writing, per usual!

  2. Thanks Buckaroo Barbie - I have printed this and put it next to my dresser mirror...

  3. Oh you guys, this just tickles me pink! Thanks for letting me know! :)
